Unsere Unterstützer und Förderer (2018)

Wir danken unseren engagierten Unterstützern und Förderern. Sie haben wesentlich dazu beigetragen, ein so umfangreiches Programm für „Regensburg liest ein Buch“ auf die Beine zu stellen – mit guten Ideen, Eigenengagement und finanzieller Unterstützung.

Ein besonderer Dank geht an unseren Medienpartner Mittelbayerische Zeitung, der uns über den gesamten Aktionszeitraum medial begleitet.

Douglas Hofstadter schreibt zu unserem Projekt

Dear Prof. Giessibl,

Thanks for your note.
It happens that while I was in Regensburg last October, I went with Klaus Richter to the large bookstore downtown called “Pustet” (or something like that), and as we were browsing around, Klaus spotted a copy of “Der Fälscher, Die Spionin, und der Bombenbauer” and, on a lark, bought it for me.
Klaus had already read it, and he knew that I had known Felix Bloch for many years. Specifically, I knew Felix from the time my parents and my younger sister and I moved out to California from Princeton -- in the summer of 1950 -- until Felix died -- 1983. He and his wife Lore and all four of their children were among our family’s very closest friends for all those decades.
I was very intrigued, and so I read the book very carefully from cover to cover, and found it very interesting. As far as I could tell, it was extremely accurate, though of course virtually all of the tale takes place before I was born (1945), so there were lots of things I wasn’t aware of.
I contacted my old friends Frank and Ruth Bloch (two of Felix and Lore’s children) and asked them if they were familiar with the book, and they said that not only were they familiar with it, but in fact Alex Capus, while writing it, had contacted them (and their twin older brothers George and Dan) and asked them many questions, in order to ensure accuracy. They said they it had already been translated into English (published by the University of Chicago Press), and they had read it and liked it quite well.
So in sum, I think it’s a very well-written and intriguing book, and it also seems to me to be very accurate. I’m glad that you found it interesting as well, and thanks for contacting me about it. All the best!

Sincerely yours,
Douglas Hofstadter.

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